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About the Education Research Schools Partnership

Dark blue background with lighter blue stripes

About the Education Research Schools Partnership

Who we are

Schools and colleges in the South East of England and Canterbury Christ Church University (CCCU) have formed a collaboration to take forward innovative research in education. We are committed to the betterment of children’s lives and their education by being able to address important questions and improve outcomes.

What we are doing

We have a number of excellent partner schools and colleges who are piloting research projects in their school settings in collaboration with designated academics in at CCCU. This means the research is bespoke and relevant to the schools and local communities the school serve. We are committed to generating new knowledge which will have real impact in the world.

Over the coming year, we are holding monthly sessions with our partner schools and colleges which are focused on developing research capacity and enhancement in our schools. Sessions include a focus on a range of topics such as: ethical research, data collection and analysis, different methodologies and academic writing. These sessions will be recorded and resources will be available to future partner schools and colleges through this website.

Outcomes for the project

We will be jointly publishing our research and devising educational resources from the research projects to disseminate more widely. We will be showcasing the range of research being undertaken in schools through a summer conference on 21 June 2024 to share the findings and future developments.